
Tips, strategies, and insights to boost your win rate

Check out our most recent posts, which range from sales enablement and negotiation strategies to helpful tips on how to better understand your buyers—all based on our expertise from running win-loss programs with companies all over the world.

5 lies your CRM is telling you about your buyers

Don't trust what your CRM says about your buyers? Good! We compared the CRM data from 1,000 closed-lost deals to what the buyers actually said in win-loss interviews. The results were shocking...

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Win-Loss 101: Kicking off your first win-loss analysis project | Part 1 of 6

You can do all the right things and still lose. Win-loss analysis will help you consistently hit quota, by diagnosing and treating revenue problems.

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How Consensus improved win rates using Clozd

How Consensus improved win rates using win-loss analysis data provided by Clozd.

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Win-loss analysis: DIY vs. Third party

Are you debating between hiring a third party to run your win-loss analysis program and building your own in-house solution? This article will help you make the right decision for your business.

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LaunchDarkly leverages Clozd to enable cross-functional collaboration

Learn how LaunchDarkly uses win-loss analysis data provided by Clozd to keep tabs on their competition.

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4 Things Your Sales Team Needs To Do To Win More

Here are 4 powerful strategies most sales teams are ignoring to generate more sales! Sart doing doing them today to gain a leg-up on your competition.

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Community Brands creates org-wide alignment with Clozd

Find out how Community Brands uses win-loss insights to create true strategic alignment across the whole company.

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Clozd Raises $52 Million In Series A Round

Clozd has raised $52M in Series A funding led by Greycroft, and completed by Madrona Venture Group, and Album VC.

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How SmartBear improved sales demos and win rates with their Clozd win-loss program

Learn how SmartBear leveraged their Clozd win-loss analysis program to increase win rates and improve sales demos.

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Challenger: How To Negotiate The Close

Spencer Wixom, Chief Customer Officer at Challenger, spoke during Clozd’s Win Loss Week on the best tips and tricks to negotiate a deal and how you can do your best to ensure it closes.

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Four Tips to Level Up Your Win-Loss Analysis Program

With a large majority of companies investing in win-loss analysis, the question becomes: how can you level up your current program to drive a more significant impact for your organization?

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How COVID Forever Changed B2B Marketing

COVID changed B2B marketing. Saber Sherrard and Johnny Hansen with Bain & Company shared research on those changes and what winning marketers did to win during a crisis.

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The Importance of Buyer Empathy in Marketing

Understanding your buyers is the most important thing a marketer can do. Trenton Romph sat down with Chris Walker, the CEO of Refine Labs to talk about why marketers should build buyer empathy

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Cutting Through the Noise: Focusing on the Data That Matters

How do you cut through the data that isn’t as important to get to the golden nuggets that will drive the most value for you?

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5 Reasons You're Losing to "No Decision"

Clozd sat down with two sales professionals to get their take on no-decision outcomes and why they are the worst outcome of a closed deal.

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Five Tips For Successful Win-Loss Analysis by Pragmatic Institute

Paul Young, an instructor at Pragmatic Institute, gives five tips on how to make your win-loss analysis program successful and how to get you the most holistic, complete picture.

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The Value of Win-Loss Analysis for Product Marketers

Product marketers are implementing win-loss analysis programs to bring value to their organizations.

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Advice and Tips to Launch a B2B Product

Launching a B2B product can make or break a company. We hosted an expert panel to share their advice on doing it successfully—from resourcing, planning, audience awareness, and how to measure success.

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Tips to Improve Sales Team Performance

Clozd identified three common reasons sales teams influence winning and losing deals through the data gathered in these programs.

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Sales Tips From Two B2B Enterprise Sales Legends

Jim Steele and John D'Agostino share lessons on how to succeed in B2B sales. This is a recap of their best stories on building a winning culture, attributes of a successful salesperson, and more.

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How to Actually Use Your Win-Loss Analysis Data

Win-loss analysis programs can aggregate a lot of useful information but taking that information and actually using it to drive meaningful change is why it is so important to your overall strategy.

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How To Use Win-Loss Analysis Cross-Functionally

Win-loss analysis can be a helpful tool across your organization. The insights gathered from a robust program can help influence change cross-functionally.

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Why Competitive Intelligence & Product Marketers Are Using Win-Loss Analysis

Competitive intelligence and product marketing professionals are using win-loss analysis to gain useful intel and information on competitors, better understand the needs of their buyers.

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Eight Tips to Help Your Win-Loss Analysis Program

Here are eight practical tips that you can implement today to help you get your win-loss analysis program working at its best.

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Competitive Intelligence 101 - Keys to a Strong Competitive Intelligence Program

It's essential to know who your competitors are. Make sure your competitive intelligence programs don't de-prioritize understanding your actual customers and focus too much on the competition.

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Win-loss analysis

Explore how win-loss analysis can help your business win more.

Churn analysis

Explore how churn analysis can help your business win more.

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